Monday, December 12, 2022

Antiwar - Blog Post #5


Blog Post #5 – Antiwar – To Protest War, or Fight One


Our country is blessed that we have the freedom to protest the things that we as a nation may feel are volatile or “unhealthy” for our nation to be involved in.  We are also privileged to be able to protect what we truly hold near and dear to our hearts as far as this nation is concerned.

I visited both websites, and The American Conservative and there are some merits to their platforms.  Namely, the opposition of imperialism and an overabundance of political power; not to mention the violence, destruction and death that comes with war. is based upon the principles and writings of Randolph Bourne.  He felt that the “State” played a great part in war and went as far as saying, “We cannot crusade against war without implicitly crusading against the State.”  In part he is correct, but Mr. Bourne was born twenty years after the Civil War ended.  Even though it had been two decades, the country was still reeling from a deep self-inflicted wound.  No one wanted to see an event like that happen again in this nation.  So, the sentiment for peace rang deep within the people of this nation for the most part.  Mr. Bourne however lived during World War I.  He also felt the effects of war on a global front with World War I.  His essay, “The State” was clearly about the war and its’ effects on everyone.    

Have I ever heard of the websites, no.  However, I can surmise why that is possible.

Ever since the beginning of time there have been conflicts, wars, battles, combat, all of which mean the same thing. Whether it be the element of conquering a country or fighting to protect one, war has become a constant. With our own history, if our nation didn't fight against the English for our separation and freedom, we would never have become the nation that we are today.  This nation has fought for the majority about the right things.  World War II was to protect people from extermination and protect countries from hostile takeovers.  During that time, we were not only protecting people in other countries, but we had to protect our own shores as well.

Honestly, while I am writing this, I can say that our country is a peaceful and antiwar nation.  It is when a horrible wrong has been committed by another country or a terrorist faction strikes against our nation that we will respond.


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